About our gym

FAQs & General info

Our Gym Philosophy

Our gym is a small recreational gym! Our goal is to make sure that participants have fun & learn to love exercise. If you are looking to send your child to the olympics or want a super structured facility, this is not the gym for your family. They will learn the sport along the way but our main focus is that kids enjoy coming to see us!

What to Wear

Preferred attire for female participants is a leotard without any skirt attachments. You can find leotards at GK Elite, Target, Amazon, etc. Female participants not wanting to wear a leotard may wear clean, fitting, athletic clothing with a sports bra underneath. Male participants are asked to wear athletic clothing. Athletic clothing may not have any buttons, zippers, attachments. Participants are asked to wear slip on shoes into the facility to prevent transfer of sand, dirt, etc. & it makes it easier for shoes on/off as participants are barefooted (no socks allowed in gym). All hair must be pulled back into a tight bun or a braid, no loose hair to prevent injuries while performing skills.

What to Bring

All participants are required to bring a water bottle into class to help with hydration. We do have a water fountain if a participant forgets. Easily identifiable/easy to open water bottles work best! Other than that, all participants need is an open mind & positive attitude!


We do not allow parent entry into the facility. We open the front door, five minutes prior to class starting for participants to enter. Make sure you give your kiddo hugs/kisses/goodbyes prior to the door opening. We use this time to make sure participants are prepared for class. It helps greatly if students have already used the restroom, have hair pulled up, & are prepared for class. You will see students waiting for class to begin during this time. Please form a single file line towards the Eye Doctor.


We keep our facility doors locked once class begins. Once all participants are lined up for us to safely dismiss, we will begin the process. We keep students backs against the wall until we identify a person for pick-up. Please form a single file line towards Howard Eye so we can clearly see faces. If you see your student with his/her back against the wall, please do not signal him/her outside as we will handle to ensure safety. If there is someone that is not allowed to pick up your child that we need to know about, please inform us via email. If someone other than a parent is picking up, please let us know via email.

Parking Lot

Please do NOT park in the round-a-bout of our parking lot as it is dangerous for participants, cars entering/exiting/etc. If you do not see parking, go beside/behind Howard Eye. We own this entire gravel parking lot for the gymnastics facility.

Make-up Classes

We do not allow make-up classes due to student/coach ratios. We are pretty flexible though so if you know of multiple future absences, etc. let us know & we will do our best to accommodate you.


If your participant/participants siblings or family members show signs of possible sickness, please keep he/she home from the facility for 24 hours to prevent any spread of germs. We ask for you to keep your students finger nails/toe nails trimmed for gymnastics. All open sores, cuts, possible bug bite openings, etc. must be properly covered prior to participants entering the facility.

Open-Door Policy

Please always feel comfortable asking any questions/showing any concerns as we want all experiences great. We do not have office hours so the best way to reach us is via email at capefeargymnastics@gmail.com


Please let us know if you ever seen anything on your account from KLW LLC-Cape Fear Fitness that looks incorrect. If a charge is over $50 exact, this is most likely your yearly $50 registration fee.

End-of-Session Program

Please mark your calendars for December 18th-22nd for participants end-of-session program. Participants are allowed to invite family & friends into the gym to show off their hard work. Participants day of program will be the same day as their class & in a time range within 1/2 hours of their normal class.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions or concerns, please email us at cffkidsgymnastics@gmail.com.