Game Changer Strength & Conditioning is located behind Cape Fear Gymnastics. The program is led by Coach Josh Holcomb.
Youth Classes Available
Early stages of human movement, basics, & fundamentals of speed & agility with intro level strength & conditioning training.
Ages 6-11
Monday & Wednesday 4:30-5:30pm
$120 per month
Development of strength, conditioning, agility, and speed dependent on the athlete’s needs.
Ages 11-18
Monday & Wednesday 5:35-6:35pm
$120 per month
Elite Athletes
High School and/or college athletes who are looking to invest time and effort to perfect their craft.
Ages 14-22
Monday & Wednesday 6:45-7:45pm
Tuesday & Thursday 6:00-7:00am
$200 per month
Email to inquire for Elite Athletes prior to registration
For questions email jhgamechangersc@gmail.com
Please fill out each field to the best of your ability. All classes are first come first serve. Before registering, please make sure to click and download/print the liability release waiver below as you will be asked to check that you have read and agree to it. Thank you.